Sweaty Summer Workout.

It’s getting hot outside y’all and that means clothes are coming off! Personally, I am in the worst mood if I don’t get moving and sweat everyday. I’ve come up with this intense workout that will make you feel amazing. This circuit is perfect to do outside!


Warm Up

go for a 5 minute jog and preform simple stretches to warm up your muscles

Circuit #1 (legs)

-25 lunges

-5 burpees 

-25 jumping lunges 

-5 burpees 

-25 inner thigh squat pulses 

-5 burpees

Circuit #2 (arms) 

-10 push ups  abs-beach-fit-girl-Favim.com-2188961

-20 tricep dips 

-30 small arm circles 

-30 big arm circles

Circuit #3 (abs & butt) 

-20 squats 

-25 full crunches 

-25 fire-hydrants each leg

-25 v-ups

-25 donkey-kicks 

-1 minute plank

***Finish with a 1.5+ mile run*** and go give yourself an applause, you killed it!

Until next time,


A Surprising Spring Smoothie.

Can you believe it’s been over a month since my last blog post? :-0 I can’t! The weeks are seeming to fly by quicker and quicker these days.

As the weather is getting warmer, I have been starting to crave fruit, yogurt, and fresh herbs. This cold, creamy drink is a perfect combination of these flavors. Let me know how to like it!



1 banana (frozen or unfrozen)

1/2-1 whole peach 

1/4 cup frozen mango

a couple strawberries

small thumb of ginger

1/3 cup greek yogurt

spring of basil and mint

juice of 1/2 a lime

a couple ice cubes

optional: handful of spinach

Blend above ingredients with water and enjoy!

Until next time,


Green Glow Juice.

Ever since I bought my own juicer, I have been converted. Maybe you’ve strayed away from juice from past experiences, or maybe you are turned off from the price. Or maaaaybe you love juice, but have only been purchasing them pre-bottled. Trust me, once you make your own juice it is a religious experience. Now, I know a high-quality juicer is expensive, but remember that the pre-bottled $12 ones add up! Especially if you’re getting them regularly.

Before I get on to the recipe, I want t0 touch on some of the benefits of juicing. Green juice is all the rage, and for good reason! When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals, and enzymes rapidly enter your bloodstream to be absorbed. Juicing will facilitate weight loss, increased energy, strengthened immunity, strong bones, and glowing skin. So go, drink up!

As for when to drink juice, the is no “wrong time”, as juicing is gold for your insides. But, to maximize the benefits, drink on an empty stomach, or at least one hour before a meal. As I said, there are no “rules”, only suggestions. :-)



1 apple (i like Fuji and Granny Smith)

2 celery stalks

a thumb of ginger

1 cucumber

5 stalks kale (if you’re new to juice, do 3 stalks and then taste) 

juice of 1/2 lemon

optional: i like to add mint and/or wheatgrass 

Juice the following ingredients, stir, and don’t forget to serve with ice- this makes it really yummy!

Until next time,


Tips To Quit Mindless Snacking.

I think a lot of us suffer from snacking mindlessly when we know we are not hungry. Before I get into my tips, I want to address something you need to know. Firstly, forgive yourself. We. Are. So. Hard. On. Ourselves. Stop making yourself feel bad, find what feels good, and listen to your body. I invite you to re-read that sentence a couple times and reflect on it. tumblr_nht24f8Nrf1riiprwo1_1280

Now, let’s get onto my tips to stop snacking without intention.

  1. Drink water. Your body might be confusing signs of hunger with signs of thirst. So, before continuing with any of the tips, I urge you to chug a liter.
  2. Get out of the kitchen. If you’re sitting in the kitchen and you just can’t take your eyes off the pantry or you keep exiting your mind with ideas of what to eat, it’s probably time to walk away. Go outside for a walk, call a friend to chat, take a shower, clean your room, read. You will be glad you did ;-)
  3. Chew gum/brush your teeth. I’ve found it really helpful to give your juicy tastebuds the refreshing mint taste combined with the act of chewing to help beat that craving.
  4. Drink tea. Tea is so great because there is a flavor for basically anything you want. I seriously have a “Sugar Cookie tea” in my pantry! Also, naturally for humans, a warm drink is very comforting. Try brewing up a cup with a splash of nut milk to make it a bit creamier.

Until next time,


Ultimate Energy Bites.

Hello, and happy almost-Friday! I finished my semester exams today and wanted to celebrate by making these healthy, no-bake, uber-delicious energy bites. They only really require two materials: a food processor and a spoon. I like to make a nice sized batch of these to last for the next week or two. They are the perfect thing to grab for that 4 o’-clock crash.


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-handful of medjool dates (pitted)

-scoop of prefered protein powder. i like PerfectFit or Hemp protein 

-a handful or two of almonds and walnuts

-tbs of flax and chia seed 

-2 tbs coconut oil

-1-2 tbs cacao powder

-if you blend and consistency isn’t able to form, add more dates 

Use your hands to press down and roll these into balls. If you want to coat them in seeds and have them be a bit crunch just roll the ball you made in a seed mix with hemp, chia, and flax. Place balls into a bowl and store in the fridge. Enjoy!

Until next time,



Healthful New Years Resolutions For Everyone

Hi guys and happy new year! I hope you all are well. As we all know weight loss/eating/health is a theme that enters a lot of people’s minds on January first. I personally have mixed feelings about new years resolutions, but I think it IS healthy for people to start thinking about what they’re putting in their body and what they’re doing with it. This being said, people think that intense, immediate switches are the way…and then usually fail. Nothing is immediate!!! Real results comes from longterm commitment, leading to longterm health & happiness. So, these next five goals can be for ANYONE, even people who live super healthy lives, it’s always good to reinforce and remind yourself.


1. Water, water, water! I cannot stress the importance of drinking water. Your cells (those things that keep you alive) BREATHE with water. Aim for 2-4 liters a day. Plan on drinking a big glass when you wake up, during your meals, between your meals, and another glass before bed. (Yes, I know that’s all day) I recommend buying a reusable water bottle and constantly filling it up throughout the day. It’s really yummy to add lemon or citrus fruits to your aqua. Your friends will be asking how you got your skin to look so good!

2. Smaller portions. This is so important you guys, people do not realize how much they are eating. Remember that your stomach is the size of your fist before your eat. Treat eating as a sacred thing (which it is by the way), chew slowly and get in touch with your senses with each bite. It helps to not hang around the kitchen after eating to limit grazing. I like to have a big cup of tea after meals. Know that you usually don’t need as much as you think you do. Don’t let your mind take control of you, this is your life, live it!

3. The Half Method. There are two ways I use the 1/2 method. The first is when I’m eating something delicious, but a little naughty, usually not something I eat all the time. This could be a pastry tart, or a sandwich, or pasta. I recommend splitting it in half, and eating only the half. You will feel satisfied and you are still getting the taste you desired. Now, if you’re like me, if I eat the half the next five minutes will consist of me staring at the other half and then finally giving up and eating it. Here’s the trick, if your with other people, split it and share! If you’re alone, get the half to-go and immediately stow it away in your bag.

The second way to use the 1/2 method is with your regular lunch and dinners. Make sure to have at least half of your plate filled with vegetables. Using that guide you’ll no doubt be getting your veg intake and it will help when you go out to eat.

4. Move more! One thing I find so funny about the American culture, is people would rather slave away in the gym like rats on a wheel than go up the stairs to a friends flat on the third floor, or walk a mile to a cafe. Find ways to walk more in your daily life! You don’t have to do these intense workouts in the gym. Do calf-raises on the train, walk to work, take the stairs (especially if it’s below level 5), flex your core as you’re sitting at your desk.

5. Breathe, baby breathe. So many of us forget the beauty of the breathe. Take time to inhale and exhale for six seconds, through your nose. Be consistent and remind yourself that your breathe takes you through all times of your life. The good and the bad.

Until next time,


Avocado and Egg Toastie.

Welcome to my most recent favorite breakfast or snack. This is a perfect thing to eat if your wanting a more savory treat. Go make this and tell me how you like (love) it!!


what you need:

1/2 avocado

2 slices of nutty/whole grain bread (i love dave killers & ezekial)

2 organic eggs

olive oil

pinch of salt & pepper

(optional) cayenne pepper

For this foodgasmic recipe; toast up your bread, cook the 2 eggs (fried or sunny-side), mash avo, put it all together, add your seasonings and wah-bang!


IMG_1534Until next time,


Green Goddess Smoothie

Hello beautiful people! Lately I have been loving this refreshing green, tropical smoothie and I think you would too.


  • Blend spinach/kale with spirulina powder and water until blended. This helps so there is no leafy chunks in your smoothie and it is all smooth & creamyyyy. yum.
  •  Next, add frozen banana and fresh or frozen pineapple. That’s it! Now go and enjoy your tropical green treat that is amazing for your bod!

Until next time,


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Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Starting A Healthy Lifestyle: The Basics

This post is for people who are just getting into health and fitness. I will be doing a post soon for people who are already living a healthy lifestyle and want to amp it up. tumblr_mn5p6xftlS1s8kq4zo1_400

  1. Change you mindset. This is not a “diet”, it’s a lifestyle. When you choose to live a healthy lifestyle it is all about balance. Don’t dread eating a healthy meal, make every single meal you eat flavor packed and delicious. You can have the things you like, such as brownies and burgers, but in moderation. One bad meal will not make you unhealthy just like one good meal will not make you healthy.
  2. Water. The best advice I have for this is: CHUG! If you think you’re drinking enough water, drink more. Your body is 60% water. YOU.NEED.WATER!! Water helps with literally everything in your life. When you go out to eat, get water. When you’re at home, drink water. When you’re at work or school, bring water. Always be drinking water. To help with this, get at least a 32 oz reusable water bottle to bring and fill up wherever you are. tumblr_mon7n7LG111rltj0eo1_500
  3. Eat clean, lean, and green. This is a good rule of thumb with healthy eating. Eat lean protein like fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, and yogurt. Eat clean and green foods that fuel your body like vegetables, fruits, and good-for-you grains like quinoa. Strive to eat the least amount of processed foods as possible. Swap out a regular salad dressing(s) for olive oil and lime. If you stick to this moto of “clean, lean and green”, you will be on the road to success.
  4. Sleep. Now a days a lot of people consider sleep a luxury, not a priority. You need to make sleep a priority. This does not mean getting 6 hours of sleep on the weekdays and sleeping until three on the weekends (i am guilty of this). Get everything done earlier, stop eating and turn off electronics a couple hours before bed, drink something soothing like tea and read a book to help you relax. If you have trouble settling your mind before bed, there are these relaxing chewable tablets called “Tranquil Sleep” that really help. You can buy them here: http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Factors-Stress-Relax-Tranquil-Chewable/dp/B000OBY4MU
  5. Stay Active. We were born with limbs, and bones, and muscles…our body’s want to move! So get up and move that body of yours. Walk, run, box, jump rope, dance, swim, lift, hike, stretch, bike…just go out into the world, sweat, and move your wonderful body. tumblr_m965q7tyAa1rnhmhjo1_500

I hope my advice helps you, and remember: this is a lifestyle not a diet. 

Until next time,


Finding Calm In The Chaos

We all have crazy lives, and we rarely find time to breathe. Our lives get ahead of us, and our thoughts race. I don’t think our lives will ever really not be busy, but we can find calm in the chaos. tumblr_lrdq6dwwvi1qz4d4bo1_400

1. Breathe

Breathing is what keeps us alive, yet it is what we least think about. Proper breathing can slow down your mind and help you to not get overwhelmed. I do this in any stressful situation I am in. Breathe in from your nose for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and release. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. Repeat this as many times as you deem necessary.

2. Music

Music is one of those things that can help you in whatever mood you’re in. No matter where you are; a busy train station, work, at home…music is there. The bands ‘The Head and The Heart’ and ‘The XX’ are my favorite calming artists. Breathe slowly and let the music take your worries and thoughts away.

3. Move your body in nature


Run. Walk. Stretch. Dance. Bike. Moving your body clears your head, and in a stuffy gym, it’s not as effective. So go out in the sexy Earth and move your body, you will be glad you did.

4. Meditate

Even if it’s just for five minutes, sitting down, breathing, and letting your mind wander in whatever way it pleases is an instant way to silence yourself. Think about your intensions moving forward so that you can continue your day stronger and happier.

Until next time,




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take a peek into my cup of tea