Sweaty Summer Workout.

It’s getting hot outside y’all and that means clothes are coming off! Personally, I am in the worst mood if I don’t get moving and sweat everyday. I’ve come up with this intense workout that will make you feel amazing. This circuit is perfect to do outside!


Warm Up

go for a 5 minute jog and preform simple stretches to warm up your muscles

Circuit #1 (legs)

-25 lunges

-5 burpees 

-25 jumping lunges 

-5 burpees 

-25 inner thigh squat pulses 

-5 burpees

Circuit #2 (arms) 

-10 push ups  abs-beach-fit-girl-Favim.com-2188961

-20 tricep dips 

-30 small arm circles 

-30 big arm circles

Circuit #3 (abs & butt) 

-20 squats 

-25 full crunches 

-25 fire-hydrants each leg

-25 v-ups

-25 donkey-kicks 

-1 minute plank

***Finish with a 1.5+ mile run*** and go give yourself an applause, you killed it!

Until next time,


A Surprising Spring Smoothie.

Can you believe it’s been over a month since my last blog post? :-0 I can’t! The weeks are seeming to fly by quicker and quicker these days.

As the weather is getting warmer, I have been starting to crave fruit, yogurt, and fresh herbs. This cold, creamy drink is a perfect combination of these flavors. Let me know how to like it!



1 banana (frozen or unfrozen)

1/2-1 whole peach 

1/4 cup frozen mango

a couple strawberries

small thumb of ginger

1/3 cup greek yogurt

spring of basil and mint

juice of 1/2 a lime

a couple ice cubes

optional: handful of spinach

Blend above ingredients with water and enjoy!

Until next time,


5 Tips To Stay Fit This Summer

Summer is officially here!!! You should not be worrying too much about how you look butttt you still want to feel confident, proud, and happy in your beautiful self. So, let’s go through my top five tips to stay healthy & fit this summer. tumblr_n5nkg9O8Ei1r0na0so1_500

  1. THE SUN IS OUT! yay! The sun boosts your mood and gives you a beautiful glow…but be smart about it. I do not care if you are only running errands or if it is a bit foggy outside or if your foundation has SPF 15. The statistics for people in the US that have skin cancer are shocking. It’s better to be safe then sorry. Stalk up on a face and body sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.
  2. Right as you wake up in the morning is the best time to set the tone for the rest of the day (also make sure you got a good amount of pillow-time the night before). I recommend a morning reflection/mediation. Yes, I get it, you are in a hurry. This could be 10 minutes some days, and others a mere 30 seconds. Just sit your booty down, breathe, and think about the energy you want to accept and bring forth throughout the day ahead.
  3. Stay active whenever you can! Do squats while brushing your teeth, take the stairs, do calf-raises while waiting for the bus, carry your groceries to your car, bike instead of drive. If you are on vacation, use nature to your advantage: go on a run, climb trees, swim. You CAN stay toned with your own body weight!
  4. Amp up the H2O. Your body literally RUNS on water, your cells would die without it! Aim for 2-5 liters in a day. Drink a liter when you wake up, another at lunch, half a liter in the afternoon, and another liter at dinner. BAM! 3.5 liters down and in the system. It really is that easy. Respect the Earth and carry your liquid in a reusable bottle or mason jar. If you are not a water-fan, i suggest you befriend H2O, and quickly. Or drop in some citrus fruit to add flavor.
  5. Eat the sun…and the stars. My best suggestion for a clean diet is first, the main portion of what you eat should be the cleanest foods out there, fruit and veg. Then go from there; meat, fish, grains, spices, eggs, seeds, and nuts. If you’re craving some stuff that isn’t the best for your body, I like to create fun recipes with ingredients that replace the bad stuff and are A LOT better for the body.

Hope these tips helped you and remember to have a fun summer!

Until next time,



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