Change isn’t quiet.

I used to believe that we should all be peaceful, and love everyone, and not criticize others. But hey, change cannot occur without a brave voice, and that voice isn’t doing what everyone else is doing, that voice is different. So be loud, scream. And people will scream at you right back. If you want to avoid criticism; say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. Open up people’s eyes…gently. Live your truth.


“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” 

-Mahatma Gandhi

 Until next time,



Date night for…one?

You are beautiful bunch of molecules, baby baby. And you work mega hard. I think it’s time to treat yo self.


Sometimes, you just need to pamper yourself, and i’m all for it. Before you can start anything, turn off all distractions. Make sure you have all work out of the way, dishwasher started, phone off. Now, here is my four step (foolproof) guide to feeling your best self in an evening.

1. TeaseMe. Tea is literally the best thing ever. There are a ridiculous amount of flavors, all awaiting your lips. It is warm & perfect. Grab a cup and drank. It’s warmth will make your tummy happy. If you don’t like tea, I’m sorry but you’re wrong.

2. PamperMe. Our face gets looked at a lot throughout the day. Below is my favorite homemade face scrub recipe, if you have dry skin, work some coconut oil on your face after washing off the scrub. PS: the mask can also be used as a lip scrub. PPS: yes, you can lick it off.

Glow, baby, glow face/lip scrub:

  • 1 spoonful of raw honey (uber hydrating and a natural cleanser) 
  • 2 spoonfuls of sugar (i use coconut sugar)
  • 1/2 spoonful of coconut oil, mashed (glow! soften!)
  • a dash of cinnamon (breakouts be gone) 
  • leave for about five minutes then wash (or lick) off with warm water

3. BatheMe. Start some relaxing wave sounds, get your favorite bubble-soap, and hop in the bath. STFU to people who say that you’re bathing in your own filth. Go, have fun with your cold and wet shower. Grab a book, light some candles, and let your fingers and toes become raisons.

4. RestMe. Beauty sleep is no joke people. I’m guessing you haven’t been getting as many hours on your pillow as you should be. Now that your skin and belly are feeling gorge & glowy, sleep. I hope you dream of rainbows and kittens.

Until next time,


What diet should i be eating? (listening to your body)

Hello friends! I think all of us, especially those more connected to their health, ask ourselves this question at many points in our lives. All around us, are adverts for ‘getting skinny quick’, ‘the ab diet’, ‘try this new diet!’. It follows us everywhere. There is a mass of diets, and people doing them who claim it is, ‘their holy grail’, ‘everyone should be eating this way’, ‘this diet has changed my life’, etc. Paleo, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw Vegan, Atkins, Raw-Till-4, and an overwhelming amount of others. While, yes, for some people these ways of eating makes sparks fly and heals them, for others, they feel as if the way their eating isn’t good enough. That they have to eat this way, that what they are currently doing is wrong. The truth is that, genetically, we are all different. Our bodies function in different ways, our gut’s are all built differently, we all have different tolerances. So, to be saying “everyone should be Paleo” or “humans should never eat animal products”, or “we all should never eat gluten” is just wrong. For some people, they will strive, and others will be left feeling tired, gassy, and confused. Go ahead, try what you will, but just because someone said that it worked for them, does not mean it will work for you. 

Listen to your body, it knows what is best. There is a phrase, “listen to your gut”, literally, listen to your gut. If your stomach hurts and you feel tired after eating, experiment, figure out what’s wrong! I say it’s much better to start with the basics: fruit, veg, grains, lean meats, legumes, nuts/seeds, beans. Go from there, see how your body reacts to each food. If your taste buds are satisfied, your gut feels fine, and you are happy about what you’re eating, there is no need to go and change the way you eat! 

Until next time, 



lifestyle blog about igniting your mind and body through clarity

madeline bourke

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SOLVE Green Team

Keeping Oregon's waterways healthy, one student at a time.


Treat yourself to a Healthy Life!

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

Mind. Body. Soul.

Enlighten your World; Illuminate the Unknown.


take a peek into my cup of tea