5 Tips To Stay Fit This Summer

Summer is officially here!!! You should not be worrying too much about how you look butttt you still want to feel confident, proud, and happy in your beautiful self. So, let’s go through my top five tips to stay healthy & fit this summer. tumblr_n5nkg9O8Ei1r0na0so1_500

  1. THE SUN IS OUT! yay! The sun boosts your mood and gives you a beautiful glow…but be smart about it. I do not care if you are only running errands or if it is a bit foggy outside or if your foundation has SPF 15. The statistics for people in the US that have skin cancer are shocking. It’s better to be safe then sorry. Stalk up on a face and body sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.
  2. Right as you wake up in the morning is the best time to set the tone for the rest of the day (also make sure you got a good amount of pillow-time the night before). I recommend a morning reflection/mediation. Yes, I get it, you are in a hurry. This could be 10 minutes some days, and others a mere 30 seconds. Just sit your booty down, breathe, and think about the energy you want to accept and bring forth throughout the day ahead.
  3. Stay active whenever you can! Do squats while brushing your teeth, take the stairs, do calf-raises while waiting for the bus, carry your groceries to your car, bike instead of drive. If you are on vacation, use nature to your advantage: go on a run, climb trees, swim. You CAN stay toned with your own body weight!
  4. Amp up the H2O. Your body literally RUNS on water, your cells would die without it! Aim for 2-5 liters in a day. Drink a liter when you wake up, another at lunch, half a liter in the afternoon, and another liter at dinner. BAM! 3.5 liters down and in the system. It really is that easy. Respect the Earth and carry your liquid in a reusable bottle or mason jar. If you are not a water-fan, i suggest you befriend H2O, and quickly. Or drop in some citrus fruit to add flavor.
  5. Eat the sun…and the stars. My best suggestion for a clean diet is first, the main portion of what you eat should be the cleanest foods out there, fruit and veg. Then go from there; meat, fish, grains, spices, eggs, seeds, and nuts. If you’re craving some stuff that isn’t the best for your body, I like to create fun recipes with ingredients that replace the bad stuff and are A LOT better for the body.

Hope these tips helped you and remember to have a fun summer!

Until next time,


Green Goddess Smoothie

Hello beautiful people! Lately I have been loving this refreshing green, tropical smoothie and I think you would too.


  • Blend spinach/kale with spirulina powder and water until blended. This helps so there is no leafy chunks in your smoothie and it is all smooth & creamyyyy. yum.
  •  Next, add frozen banana and fresh or frozen pineapple. That’s it! Now go and enjoy your tropical green treat that is amazing for your bod!

Until next time,


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Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Look Up.

Hello beautiful people of the internet, I would like to share something special with you today. This spoken word Youtube video was posted a couple months ago and instantly went viral, I think it speaks the words that we all have in our heads-but just can’t form into words. And if you know me, you know I lovveeeee spoken word. Anyway, give this piece of magic a lookie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dLU6fk9QY gary-turk-look-up-spoken-word-poem-film-online-generation-me-like-facebook-social-connect-media-lesson-awesome-video

It’s worth it.

Hello friends! I have been gone a while due to a lack of inspiration, and I have hated being absent. But, alas, I have found and remembered the reason I love blogging. So, cheers to Friday, and cheers to refounded inspiration…

Life is a wonderful gift, and there are things in this life which I believe are worth spending the extra time and money for.

-flowers. there is nothing quite like a beautiful flower. a home filled with flowers is a happy home.

-care for yourself. get a massage, touch your toes, drink water straight from a coconut, feel your legs and lungs burn while running, spend money on a thick body creme. i think these things are so important. we have this one body, and it’s amazing how it runs and works when you take the extra mile to care for it.

-do something you love. draw, design, learn, vacation, inspire. taking time for yourself leads to longterm happiness. and i am a firm believer that your happiness is #1. it doesn’t matter if it is designing the Ranakpur Temple or sitting on your couch and watching Orange Is The New Black. we put limits on what we tell ourselves are “better” activities than others, but if you are happy, there is no “better or worse”, it all stems from a desire of love and happiness.

-listen to music, dance, repeat. i truly believe that in music we find magic. find what beat gets you movin’, and let that be your anthem. our bodies naturally feel a beat, our bodies also naturally want to move…dance. “no matter what, nobody can take away the dances you’ve already had.”

Until next time,



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Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

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