A Surprising Spring Smoothie.

Can you believe it’s been over a month since my last blog post? :-0 I can’t! The weeks are seeming to fly by quicker and quicker these days.

As the weather is getting warmer, I have been starting to crave fruit, yogurt, and fresh herbs. This cold, creamy drink is a perfect combination of these flavors. Let me know how to like it!



1 banana (frozen or unfrozen)

1/2-1 whole peach 

1/4 cup frozen mango

a couple strawberries

small thumb of ginger

1/3 cup greek yogurt

spring of basil and mint

juice of 1/2 a lime

a couple ice cubes

optional: handful of spinach

Blend above ingredients with water and enjoy!

Until next time,


Green Goddess Smoothie

Hello beautiful people! Lately I have been loving this refreshing green, tropical smoothie and I think you would too.


  • Blend spinach/kale with spirulina powder and water until blended. This helps so there is no leafy chunks in your smoothie and it is all smooth & creamyyyy. yum.
  •  Next, add frozen banana and fresh or frozen pineapple. That’s it! Now go and enjoy your tropical green treat that is amazing for your bod!

Until next time,


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Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Three Quick Snack Ideas

With everyones busy life, food is put to the back, and healthy food is looked at with taking a long time. I hope you can add some of these go-to snack ideas into your every day diet.

1. Banana and Almond Butterbanana and butter

  • My favorite brand of Almond Butter is Justin’s, because you can buy them individually packed so you don’t overeat. The chocolate is a nice treat. 







2. Store-bought juice

  • Store-bought juices are quick and easy. I love the Evolution Fresh brand, all of their juices are amazingsuper green












3. Smoothie

  • This option takes a little more time then the other two, but is still a speedy pick. Just make it with this background: ice, nut milk, fruit, (optional) greens, super foods, (optional) vegan protein.super smoothie

Chocolate Maca Smoothie

choco2I make this smoothie on the daily. It is protein and superfood packed and tastes just like a milkshake.


  • 1/2 frozen banana (very important that the banana is frozen)
  • 5-6 ice cubes
  • 1 packet/scoop Perfect Fit protein
  • 2 tbs Maca powder
  • 1 tbs flax seeds
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • 1 tbs cacao powder
  • 1 tbs cocoa powder
  • 1/3-1 cup almond milk
  • dash of cinnamon


  1. Start out my crushing the ice alone
  2. Add all remaining ingredients and serve
  3. The more almond milk the more liquified it will get. Less almond milk, more thick

Purchase Perfect Fit protein here: http://perfectfitprotein.com/

Superfood protein smoothie

This smoothie is great to have any time you wish to enjoy but I always make it after a workout. Having liquid protein after a workout is essential is building and feeding your muscles. No, you will not look like a male bodybuilder with protein. Everyone needs protein. After a workout liquids are best to have because they get into your system and are broken down the quickest. It is important to have this protein within a window of 20-30 minutes after your workout. Why? Because in that time your muscles will readily accept carbohydrates and protein. smoothie


  1. In a blender, crush 5 ice cubes. 
  2. Add 1/2 banana(frozen or fresh), 4-5 frozen strawberries, about 1/3 cup frozen blueberries, 1tbs flax seeds, 1tbs chia seeds, 1tbs maca powder, and one scoop of Perfect Fit (or any other vegan) protein
  3. On top of all that, add a dash of chocolate or regular coconut water and a cup or more of almond milk, and blend
  4. If the smoothie is very dry, add more almond milk or water

*A handful of spinach or kale can be added and other super foods can be replaced to your liking.

Perfect Fit protein can be purchased here: http://perfectfitprotein.com/


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