New Beginnings.


It’s a new year. A time for forming a new mold to who we are and how we see ourselves. I know some people think resolutions are pointless and cheesy and stupid- but I like them. And I think it’s important to encourage the people in your life who make them. It bothers me when people say “Oh, everyone will be out of the gym by February”, that negative thinking doesn’t help anyone! Why discourage people trying to improve themselves?

Whether your goals are to improve relationships, get healthier, be more productive with your time, study smarter, read more books, go on adventures, act more genuinely, have more “me” time-whatever it may be-encourage yourself, encourage others. Breaking bad habits sucks. No one says it will be easy, but it sure is worth it.


Some people in your life may want explanations for your changes, but I honestly do not think you have to give one. If you want to be a different person, you shouldn’t have to explain yourself. We’re all on a journey to become the best we can be, as individuals, and sometimes making these changes you want to tell people and have people be involved- that is great! But some people want to do it alone, and not have to talk to others about it-that is okay too.

Know that this year, 2016, can be anything you make it. Become extremely connected to yourself, and hold yourself accountable! I believe that if you work hard, and don’t cheat yourself, you will be extremely impressed with who you become:-)

Until next time,




Our Calls.


In life, sometimes we only want to respond to our big, romantic, glamourous life calls, but fail to realize that in order to reach those, we must first respond to the unromantic, sometimes hard daily calls.

For example, maybe you are craving to be called into a life where you are excited about your job and the people around you. Maybe you have this “ideal” in your head that sounds lovely that you become easily excited by. But, every morning when your alarm goes off, you groan and dread it. Wake up! You are being called to be apart of today. You are being called to put in work for right now, for your future self.

You may find these conflicting calls in several areas of your life- whether it be from work, diet, romance, etc. So I urge you to not just focus on the pretty finished picture, but the smaller, everyday calls you are receiving. What are you pretending not to know?

Until next time,


Fall Bucketlist 2014.

Hello! I love fall. Love love love it. It is so magical and happy and perfect. I know it’s already the 12th but sometimes it’s nice to have a  bit of a structure to the month and maybe even challenge yourself to go out of your comfort zone while still basking in the essence of fall. So, I present to you, your 2014 fall bucket list:


  • intricately carve fat pumpkins
  • make roasted pumpkin seeds with above pumpkins
  • go apple picking in the wild
  • bake a pie with above apples
  • have friends over to watch spooky movies with cider and loads of blankets
  • rake a perfect pile of red and orange leaves…then jump in them
  • fall-up your room: add some lights around your bed, light fall-scented candles (i love Williams Sonoma and Bath & Body Works), and throw cozy blankets on your bed
  • go to a haunted house/hayride
  • watch old Disney Channel halloween moviestumblr_ms61vvh5JX1szu8gqo1_500
  • get lost in a corn maze
  • build a fort with couch cushions and blankets
  • sleep in, make pancakes and spend the day being cozy
  • go on a fall run and appreciate nature

5 Changes To Have A Smoother Morning


1. Prep your water.

Water is always the first thing to think about in the morning. It wakes your body up and is incredibly beneficial for the body. If you don’t easily remember to drink water when you wake, fill a large liter with some H2O and ice, put it by your bedside, and it will be all ready for the morning. 

2. Set your intentions 

If you set the tone for the day, by writing down how you want to feel and what energy you want to radiate throughout the day, it can completely change your day. 

3. Fuel your body

Having a healthy breakfast will give your body and brain energy to handle whatever obstacles you face throughout the day. If you’re in a time crunch, whip up a healthy green smoothie, almond butter toast with banana, or some overnight oats.

4. Move your body

If you have the time, it would be so great to go on a run or an hour yoga session, but a lot of us don’t have that time. I recommend wake up ten minutes earlier and spend that time going on a five minute walk outside and five minutes doing some stretch yoga. You will feel so much better going into your day, I promise.

5. Know what you’re going to wear 

Not knowing what to wear stresses me out so much. Taking a couple minutes the night before to pick out what you’re going to wear will help you so much!! 

Until text time,


Date night for…one?

You are beautiful bunch of molecules, baby baby. And you work mega hard. I think it’s time to treat yo self.


Sometimes, you just need to pamper yourself, and i’m all for it. Before you can start anything, turn off all distractions. Make sure you have all work out of the way, dishwasher started, phone off. Now, here is my four step (foolproof) guide to feeling your best self in an evening.

1. TeaseMe. Tea is literally the best thing ever. There are a ridiculous amount of flavors, all awaiting your lips. It is warm & perfect. Grab a cup and drank. It’s warmth will make your tummy happy. If you don’t like tea, I’m sorry but you’re wrong.

2. PamperMe. Our face gets looked at a lot throughout the day. Below is my favorite homemade face scrub recipe, if you have dry skin, work some coconut oil on your face after washing off the scrub. PS: the mask can also be used as a lip scrub. PPS: yes, you can lick it off.

Glow, baby, glow face/lip scrub:

  • 1 spoonful of raw honey (uber hydrating and a natural cleanser) 
  • 2 spoonfuls of sugar (i use coconut sugar)
  • 1/2 spoonful of coconut oil, mashed (glow! soften!)
  • a dash of cinnamon (breakouts be gone) 
  • leave for about five minutes then wash (or lick) off with warm water

3. BatheMe. Start some relaxing wave sounds, get your favorite bubble-soap, and hop in the bath. STFU to people who say that you’re bathing in your own filth. Go, have fun with your cold and wet shower. Grab a book, light some candles, and let your fingers and toes become raisons.

4. RestMe. Beauty sleep is no joke people. I’m guessing you haven’t been getting as many hours on your pillow as you should be. Now that your skin and belly are feeling gorge & glowy, sleep. I hope you dream of rainbows and kittens.

Until next time,



Here are some pictures and quotes I have been liking!

All are from Tumblr. x



“Try not to feel jealous about things, or people or places. It’s toxic. Just keep living. You will find your happiness.”

“You cannot pray for an A on a test and study for a B. You cannot pray for a celestial marriage and live a telestial life. You cannot pray for something and act less.” -Tad R. Callister

“Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature he’s destroying is this God he’s worshipping.”

“Don’t assume, ask. Be kind. Tell the truth. Don’t say anything you can’t stand behind fully. Have integrity. Tell people how you feel.” -Warsan Shire

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” -Confucius

“Don’t stop until you’re satisfied. You want an explanation? Ask. You want to be successful? Work. Don’t settle for results you don’t want. Don’t stop until you’re satisfied.”




Your Ultimate Spring Break

Spring break is approaching, which hopefully means warm weather and soft clouds and the ocean and flowers and happiness. But as much as we would all like to fly away somewhere exotic without a second thought, you usually have to do some planning. Even if you’re not going to Australia or Hawaii, you can still have a dreamy vacation wherever you’re headed.

Packing tips:

You are most likely going to be there for less than a week. Pack light, and pack smart. You don’t need much, sense you will mostly be in your bikini ;) ultimate sb post

  • Shoes: sneakers, like chucks. flip flops. fancy-er sandals. one pair of heels for a night out.
  • Bottoms: shorts, and lots of them. harem pants. maxi skirts.
  • One-Piece: a couple light, flowy dresses in both short and maxi length. rompers and jumpsuits are also great throw-ons
  • Tops: light tees and tanks in neutral and bright colors. if you’re feeling a bit daring, go for the cropped style.
  • Bikinis: this should take up the majority of your wardrobe, a girl can never have too many bikinis. pack some coverups too.
  • Accessories: hats and sunglasses, and lots of them for that matter.
  • Makeup: none! pack a little lip balm and you’re good to go. but, if you feel you need it for dinners and such, a little BB cream and bronzer will do the job.

Favorite stores for these items:  // // // //

Health and Wellness tips:

  • Wherever you’re going, drink lots and lots and LOTS of water
  • Look up some local restaurants and cafes prior to your trip
  • When in doubt, there is always a near by market to stock up on some basics
  • Focus on choosing the right foods wherever you are. You don’t want to feel heavy and clogged on your vacation
  • Stay active wherever you are! If you’re near an ocean- swim, paddle board, snorkel, surf. If you’re near a mountain- hike, run, or crawl up. If you’re not near anything- go for a run, walk, or bike and explore the area you’re in. Just find some way to move your body and stay active!
  • The only beauty products you need are coconut oil, raw honey, tea tree oil, and sea salt spray! Use the honey as a face cleanser, tea tree oil as a toner, and coconut oil as a moisturizer for your face and body. The only hair product you need in sea salt spray, spray it in on damp or dry hair and don’t fuss too much!image-1

Music playlist:

  • Freedom (#1) – Bikini Daze
  • Ends of the Earth – Lord Huron
  • Be Okay – Oh Honey
  • Peaches – In The Valley Below
  • Latch – Disclosure
  • Go Outside – Cults
  • All of Me – Tanlines
  • Happy – Pharrell
  • All of Your Heart – FM Radio
  • Pompeii – Bastille
  • Pumpin Blood – NONONO

Above all, enjoy where you are and let yourself fully be in the moment. Worrying about the past and future does no good for your soul. Bring a couple good books and embrace wherever the universe takes you.

Until next time,


PS: I would love to see where your spring break leads you so mention me on Instagram @claire_ty or on Twitter @clairebearshear of your vacation or where you would like to go! xx

10 Small Steps To Happiness

1. feel everything. feel every thing you touch, feel every emotion that emerges within you, feel all situations you are in, feel the cold floor on your toes in the morning; feel every touch, every scent, every thought. don’t apologize for your feelings, there is no wrong or right way to feel.

2. go to a bookstore and get lost. there is a book about everything and anything. find a book that satisfies what your mind desires.

3. wake up earlier. wake up early enough to go anywhere in your world and watch the sunrise. watch the beauty of the earth unfold in front of your eyes. appreciate it. tumblr_n03f93Il8s1rpghrdo1_500

4. go to bed earlier. go to bed at a time to set yourself up to feel energized the next day.

5. surround yourself with sounds, work, ideas, thoughts, and people that inspire you and make you want to do better. keep those things and people close to you. better food. stop eating processed food and eat the foods that nature intended us to eat. it with make you feel really good. 

7. get in the habit of drinking more water. it will make you feel clear and fresh, and that is a good feeling.

8. write. write about any place or situation you’ve ever desired, include every detail. write what you did and thought that day; write what you’re feeling. just write.

9. stretch. stretch up toward the sky as if you can touch the clouds. stretch down toward the earth as if it’s molding underneath your fingertips.

10. lie underneath the sun and dream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t an option. let your mind drift to a land of endless possibilities. take steps each day to make that happen for you.

Until next time,


Starting A Healthy Lifestyle: The Basics

This post is for people who are just getting into health and fitness. I will be doing a post soon for people who are already living a healthy lifestyle and want to amp it up. tumblr_mn5p6xftlS1s8kq4zo1_400

  1. Change you mindset. This is not a “diet”, it’s a lifestyle. When you choose to live a healthy lifestyle it is all about balance. Don’t dread eating a healthy meal, make every single meal you eat flavor packed and delicious. You can have the things you like, such as brownies and burgers, but in moderation. One bad meal will not make you unhealthy just like one good meal will not make you healthy.
  2. Water. The best advice I have for this is: CHUG! If you think you’re drinking enough water, drink more. Your body is 60% water. YOU.NEED.WATER!! Water helps with literally everything in your life. When you go out to eat, get water. When you’re at home, drink water. When you’re at work or school, bring water. Always be drinking water. To help with this, get at least a 32 oz reusable water bottle to bring and fill up wherever you are. tumblr_mon7n7LG111rltj0eo1_500
  3. Eat clean, lean, and green. This is a good rule of thumb with healthy eating. Eat lean protein like fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, and yogurt. Eat clean and green foods that fuel your body like vegetables, fruits, and good-for-you grains like quinoa. Strive to eat the least amount of processed foods as possible. Swap out a regular salad dressing(s) for olive oil and lime. If you stick to this moto of “clean, lean and green”, you will be on the road to success.
  4. Sleep. Now a days a lot of people consider sleep a luxury, not a priority. You need to make sleep a priority. This does not mean getting 6 hours of sleep on the weekdays and sleeping until three on the weekends (i am guilty of this). Get everything done earlier, stop eating and turn off electronics a couple hours before bed, drink something soothing like tea and read a book to help you relax. If you have trouble settling your mind before bed, there are these relaxing chewable tablets called “Tranquil Sleep” that really help. You can buy them here:
  5. Stay Active. We were born with limbs, and bones, and muscles…our body’s want to move! So get up and move that body of yours. Walk, run, box, jump rope, dance, swim, lift, hike, stretch, bike…just go out into the world, sweat, and move your wonderful body. tumblr_m965q7tyAa1rnhmhjo1_500

I hope my advice helps you, and remember: this is a lifestyle not a diet. 

Until next time,



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take a peek into my cup of tea