New Beginnings.


It’s a new year. A time for forming a new mold to who we are and how we see ourselves. I know some people think resolutions are pointless and cheesy and stupid- but I like them. And I think it’s important to encourage the people in your life who make them. It bothers me when people say “Oh, everyone will be out of the gym by February”, that negative thinking doesn’t help anyone! Why discourage people trying to improve themselves?

Whether your goals are to improve relationships, get healthier, be more productive with your time, study smarter, read more books, go on adventures, act more genuinely, have more “me” time-whatever it may be-encourage yourself, encourage others. Breaking bad habits sucks. No one says it will be easy, but it sure is worth it.


Some people in your life may want explanations for your changes, but I honestly do not think you have to give one. If you want to be a different person, you shouldn’t have to explain yourself. We’re all on a journey to become the best we can be, as individuals, and sometimes making these changes you want to tell people and have people be involved- that is great! But some people want to do it alone, and not have to talk to others about it-that is okay too.

Know that this year, 2016, can be anything you make it. Become extremely connected to yourself, and hold yourself accountable! I believe that if you work hard, and don’t cheat yourself, you will be extremely impressed with who you become:-)

Until next time,




Sweaty Summer Workout.

It’s getting hot outside y’all and that means clothes are coming off! Personally, I am in the worst mood if I don’t get moving and sweat everyday. I’ve come up with this intense workout that will make you feel amazing. This circuit is perfect to do outside!


Warm Up

go for a 5 minute jog and preform simple stretches to warm up your muscles

Circuit #1 (legs)

-25 lunges

-5 burpees 

-25 jumping lunges 

-5 burpees 

-25 inner thigh squat pulses 

-5 burpees

Circuit #2 (arms) 

-10 push ups

-20 tricep dips 

-30 small arm circles 

-30 big arm circles

Circuit #3 (abs & butt) 

-20 squats 

-25 full crunches 

-25 fire-hydrants each leg

-25 v-ups

-25 donkey-kicks 

-1 minute plank

***Finish with a 1.5+ mile run*** and go give yourself an applause, you killed it!

Until next time,


The Ultimate Avocado Toast.

Hi! You! Yes you! Do you like avocados? Do you enjoy the feeling of dancing tastebuds? Are you a hungry person? Then you NEED this recipe in your life. Guys, this one’s a game changer.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset


1 slice of seedy bread

1-2 tbs goat cheese

1/2 avocado

1 small tomato 

pinch of chopped basil

large pinch of micro-greens or sprouts 

Toast bread. Spread goat cheese. Thinly slice tomatoes. Sprinkle basil. Loosely chop & lay out avocado. Sprinkle micro-greens/sprouts. Drizzle good olive oil. Sprinkle salt. Crack pepper. Eat. Die happy.

If I’m having this for breakfast, I’ll fry an egg on the top.

Until next time,


Recipe: creamy banana ice-cream.

This recipe is great for you acai bowl lovers out there or anyone looking for a healthy alternative to ice-cream. One of the things I love about this food is you can have it for breakfast, a snack, or dessert. Also, you can add frozen berries for whatever you’re in the mood for.


BANANA ICE-CREAM (single serving)

-1-2 frozen bananas 

-dash of vanilla and cinnamon

-pinch of salt 

-a spoonful or two of thick greek yogurt 

blend in a food processor or high-speed blender

top with whatever you’d like: fruit, granola, nuts, seeds, honey, etc.

Until next time,


The important message I learned being sick.


I was planning on uploading a favorites for spring post…but yesterday I came down with a head-cold and have spent a lot of today home, being silent with myself. I’ve spent a lot of today listening to my body, and not crowding it with unnecessary thoughts that were being brought up questioning going away from the “routine” I know. I took this time to slow down my mind, which I thought I was already doing, but something about being ill MAKES you slowwww down. I realized these things: my body wanted a lot of fruit and water, closing my eyes felt so good, I didn’t feel compelled to talk all that much-I really preferred being silent, breathing slowly felt right, and that everything we feel throughout the day really matters.

I went to my usual Tuesday yoga class and something really struck me. I heard my instructors words at the beginning of class with an incredibly powerful force, everything she said clicked without effort. It really became clear to me that for most of the day information and facts are being spat at me, and my by the time I get to yoga my brain is over receiving all this “stuff”. But today, I was open and I was so prepared for receiving. After my yoga class, I realized that today I was listening to my heart and my body much more than my mind, which is usually buzzing and my main source for intuition. Being sick makes me remember that the body really is the wisest source of intuition, and it reminds me that every inch of our being is connected, and that this body really is our only home.

Until next time,


Green Glow Juice.

Ever since I bought my own juicer, I have been converted. Maybe you’ve strayed away from juice from past experiences, or maybe you are turned off from the price. Or maaaaybe you love juice, but have only been purchasing them pre-bottled. Trust me, once you make your own juice it is a religious experience. Now, I know a high-quality juicer is expensive, but remember that the pre-bottled $12 ones add up! Especially if you’re getting them regularly.

Before I get on to the recipe, I want t0 touch on some of the benefits of juicing. Green juice is all the rage, and for good reason! When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals, and enzymes rapidly enter your bloodstream to be absorbed. Juicing will facilitate weight loss, increased energy, strengthened immunity, strong bones, and glowing skin. So go, drink up!

As for when to drink juice, the is no “wrong time”, as juicing is gold for your insides. But, to maximize the benefits, drink on an empty stomach, or at least one hour before a meal. As I said, there are no “rules”, only suggestions. :-)



1 apple (i like Fuji and Granny Smith)

2 celery stalks

a thumb of ginger

1 cucumber

5 stalks kale (if you’re new to juice, do 3 stalks and then taste) 

juice of 1/2 lemon

optional: i like to add mint and/or wheatgrass 

Juice the following ingredients, stir, and don’t forget to serve with ice- this makes it really yummy!

Until next time,


Tips To Quit Mindless Snacking.

I think a lot of us suffer from snacking mindlessly when we know we are not hungry. Before I get into my tips, I want to address something you need to know. Firstly, forgive yourself. We. Are. So. Hard. On. Ourselves. Stop making yourself feel bad, find what feels good, and listen to your body. I invite you to re-read that sentence a couple times and reflect on it. tumblr_nht24f8Nrf1riiprwo1_1280

Now, let’s get onto my tips to stop snacking without intention.

  1. Drink water. Your body might be confusing signs of hunger with signs of thirst. So, before continuing with any of the tips, I urge you to chug a liter.
  2. Get out of the kitchen. If you’re sitting in the kitchen and you just can’t take your eyes off the pantry or you keep exiting your mind with ideas of what to eat, it’s probably time to walk away. Go outside for a walk, call a friend to chat, take a shower, clean your room, read. You will be glad you did ;-)
  3. Chew gum/brush your teeth. I’ve found it really helpful to give your juicy tastebuds the refreshing mint taste combined with the act of chewing to help beat that craving.
  4. Drink tea. Tea is so great because there is a flavor for basically anything you want. I seriously have a “Sugar Cookie tea” in my pantry! Also, naturally for humans, a warm drink is very comforting. Try brewing up a cup with a splash of nut milk to make it a bit creamier.

Until next time,


Ultimate Energy Bites.

Hello, and happy almost-Friday! I finished my semester exams today and wanted to celebrate by making these healthy, no-bake, uber-delicious energy bites. They only really require two materials: a food processor and a spoon. I like to make a nice sized batch of these to last for the next week or two. They are the perfect thing to grab for that 4 o’-clock crash.


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-handful of medjool dates (pitted)

-scoop of prefered protein powder. i like PerfectFit or Hemp protein 

-a handful or two of almonds and walnuts

-tbs of flax and chia seed 

-2 tbs coconut oil

-1-2 tbs cacao powder

-if you blend and consistency isn’t able to form, add more dates 

Use your hands to press down and roll these into balls. If you want to coat them in seeds and have them be a bit crunch just roll the ball you made in a seed mix with hemp, chia, and flax. Place balls into a bowl and store in the fridge. Enjoy!

Until next time,



The First Thing To Do When You Wake Up.

Quite a statement to make on the very public internet, I know. But I truly believe this is the way that every single person should start their day. Literally, right as you open your eyes, DO THIS.


Repeat this mantra with intention to create positive energy flowing the first thing as you wake up: “Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say? And to whom?”

This creates interaction with miracles and with energy and spirit. It’s less of ‘do this for ME’. And more ‘what can I best do to serve’.

Until next time,



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Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

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take a peek into my cup of tea