Things To Do When You’re Sick In Bed

I’m writing this as I am currently sick in bed, ha. Since it’s cold and flu season, some of you may be coming down with the sniffles and need some guidance. (these things are all tested on me so we OBVIOUSLY know they are helpful. jokes.)


  1. REST! What a surprise. You immune system is working really hard because it loves you <3, love it back.
  2. Watch too much Netflix (Is there such a thing? Yes.) My personal favorites right now are Gilmore Girls, American Horror Story, and Parks and Rec.
  3. Drank. For real though, you may not want to eat, but staying powered with aqua, tea, and maybe a cheeky cocoa are realllllyyyyyyyy important. PS: lemon and honey camomile tea. try it. boom.
  4. Mild exercise. Listen, you know your body, and if you are just like, “NO I WANT TO SLEEP!!” then you do you. But personally for me, some gentle yoga and going on a walk seriously works wonders. I love this mild yoga routine:
  5. Hot, Hot! Steam your sinus’s under a hot bowl of water. I know it gets a little gross and uncomfortable, but it can really help ‘clear you out’. I like to add a drop of lavender essential oil into the water. Also if you want to feel real nice all over, a hot shower does the trick.
  6. SOOOOOOUP. Soup is one of my favorite things ever. I kind of love being sick so it can be an excuse to eat soup for every meal. Homemade chicken noodle is no joke.
  7. Music. Ok I had to add this in because earlier I was doing yoga and Breathe Me by Sia came on my Spotify playlist and it kind of low-key changed my life.

Until next time,


Finding Calm In The Chaos

We all have crazy lives, and we rarely find time to breathe. Our lives get ahead of us, and our thoughts race. I don’t think our lives will ever really not be busy, but we can find calm in the chaos. tumblr_lrdq6dwwvi1qz4d4bo1_400

1. Breathe

Breathing is what keeps us alive, yet it is what we least think about. Proper breathing can slow down your mind and help you to not get overwhelmed. I do this in any stressful situation I am in. Breathe in from your nose for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and release. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. Repeat this as many times as you deem necessary.

2. Music

Music is one of those things that can help you in whatever mood you’re in. No matter where you are; a busy train station, work, at home…music is there. The bands ‘The Head and The Heart’ and ‘The XX’ are my favorite calming artists. Breathe slowly and let the music take your worries and thoughts away.

3. Move your body in nature


Run. Walk. Stretch. Dance. Bike. Moving your body clears your head, and in a stuffy gym, it’s not as effective. So go out in the sexy Earth and move your body, you will be glad you did.

4. Meditate

Even if it’s just for five minutes, sitting down, breathing, and letting your mind wander in whatever way it pleases is an instant way to silence yourself. Think about your intensions moving forward so that you can continue your day stronger and happier.

Until next time,




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Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

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