New Beginnings.


It’s a new year. A time for forming a new mold to who we are and how we see ourselves. I know some people think resolutions are pointless and cheesy and stupid- but I like them. And I think it’s important to encourage the people in your life who make them. It bothers me when people say “Oh, everyone will be out of the gym by February”, that negative thinking doesn’t help anyone! Why discourage people trying to improve themselves?

Whether your goals are to improve relationships, get healthier, be more productive with your time, study smarter, read more books, go on adventures, act more genuinely, have more “me” time-whatever it may be-encourage yourself, encourage others. Breaking bad habits sucks. No one says it will be easy, but it sure is worth it.


Some people in your life may want explanations for your changes, but I honestly do not think you have to give one. If you want to be a different person, you shouldn’t have to explain yourself. We’re all on a journey to become the best we can be, as individuals, and sometimes making these changes you want to tell people and have people be involved- that is great! But some people want to do it alone, and not have to talk to others about it-that is okay too.

Know that this year, 2016, can be anything you make it. Become extremely connected to yourself, and hold yourself accountable! I believe that if you work hard, and don’t cheat yourself, you will be extremely impressed with who you become:-)

Until next time,




Healthful New Years Resolutions For Everyone

Hi guys and happy new year! I hope you all are well. As we all know weight loss/eating/health is a theme that enters a lot of people’s minds on January first. I personally have mixed feelings about new years resolutions, but I think it IS healthy for people to start thinking about what they’re putting in their body and what they’re doing with it. This being said, people think that intense, immediate switches are the way…and then usually fail. Nothing is immediate!!! Real results comes from longterm commitment, leading to longterm health & happiness. So, these next five goals can be for ANYONE, even people who live super healthy lives, it’s always good to reinforce and remind yourself.


1. Water, water, water! I cannot stress the importance of drinking water. Your cells (those things that keep you alive) BREATHE with water. Aim for 2-4 liters a day. Plan on drinking a big glass when you wake up, during your meals, between your meals, and another glass before bed. (Yes, I know that’s all day) I recommend buying a reusable water bottle and constantly filling it up throughout the day. It’s really yummy to add lemon or citrus fruits to your aqua. Your friends will be asking how you got your skin to look so good!

2. Smaller portions. This is so important you guys, people do not realize how much they are eating. Remember that your stomach is the size of your fist before your eat. Treat eating as a sacred thing (which it is by the way), chew slowly and get in touch with your senses with each bite. It helps to not hang around the kitchen after eating to limit grazing. I like to have a big cup of tea after meals. Know that you usually don’t need as much as you think you do. Don’t let your mind take control of you, this is your life, live it!

3. The Half Method. There are two ways I use the 1/2 method. The first is when I’m eating something delicious, but a little naughty, usually not something I eat all the time. This could be a pastry tart, or a sandwich, or pasta. I recommend splitting it in half, and eating only the half. You will feel satisfied and you are still getting the taste you desired. Now, if you’re like me, if I eat the half the next five minutes will consist of me staring at the other half and then finally giving up and eating it. Here’s the trick, if your with other people, split it and share! If you’re alone, get the half to-go and immediately stow it away in your bag.

The second way to use the 1/2 method is with your regular lunch and dinners. Make sure to have at least half of your plate filled with vegetables. Using that guide you’ll no doubt be getting your veg intake and it will help when you go out to eat.

4. Move more! One thing I find so funny about the American culture, is people would rather slave away in the gym like rats on a wheel than go up the stairs to a friends flat on the third floor, or walk a mile to a cafe. Find ways to walk more in your daily life! You don’t have to do these intense workouts in the gym. Do calf-raises on the train, walk to work, take the stairs (especially if it’s below level 5), flex your core as you’re sitting at your desk.

5. Breathe, baby breathe. So many of us forget the beauty of the breathe. Take time to inhale and exhale for six seconds, through your nose. Be consistent and remind yourself that your breathe takes you through all times of your life. The good and the bad.

Until next time,



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